Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Anxiety, and depression

This week is going to be more of a serious topic.
If you are easily triggered or are sensitive topics, I advise you not to read this.

There are many types of anxiety. Such as social anxiety, panic disorder, and phobias. 
Everyone experiences anxiety at some point of there life. Before taking a test, public speaking, meeting new people. All these things are anxiety. Anxiety is a mental illness and people can react in many different ways. There are many symptoms of anxiety.
Feeling of fear, or panic
Sleeping troubles
Sweaty or cold hands/ feet
Those are just some. 
You might be wondering what causes anxiety. Sorry to say, but there is no real cause for it. 

I'm sure you have at least a few times in your life when you feel sad, that may last a few days and that is completely normal. However, depression is slightly different. You feel sadness everyday and it interfere with your daily life. Depression is all about the brain. Sometimes depression runs in the family, but it isn't always the case. With depression comes a few other things. Such as eating disorders, self harm, cutting, anxiety, and others. 
Some symptoms include:
Constant feeling of sadness or emptiness
Feeling worthless or helplessness
Feeling tired
Over or under eating
Suicide thoughts or actions
And many others.
There are ways to help this, you can take prescribed medication, or therapy.

If you know anyone who deals with extreme anxiety or depression, the best thing to do is to tell them that you are there for them. Don't try to push them to do anything because that could make them feel worse. If you wan to learn more about this you can go here,

Till next time, stay tre cool!

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