Wednesday, January 23, 2013

An Interview with Mr.Mahoney By Jessica, Kaley, and Sonam

Mr. Mahoney

1. Question: If you were stranded on an island with one teacher, who would it be and why?

Mr. Mahoney’s Answer: Mr. Rice because he would think of a way to get out  

2. Question: What did you want to be when you were younger?

Mr. Mahoney’s Answer: Duh.. a professional athlete like any other teenage boy!

3. Question:  Would you rather sing in front of your class, or rap in front of your class and will you?

Mr. Mahoney Answer: I would sing in front of my class if it was an option, but I will absolutely not.  

4. Question: If you could be one animal what would you be and why?

Mr. Mahoney’s answer: I would be an Eagle, the king of Raptors, because they are cool.

5. Question: If you won the lottery what would you buy?  

Mr. Mahoney’s Answer: My own golf course

6. Question: Who’s your favorite boy band?

Mr. Mahoney’s Answer: The Rolling Stones

7. Question: Are you team Edward or Jacob?

Mr. Mahoney’s Answer: Neither I hate Vampires and Werewolves.

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