Wednesday, November 28, 2012

F in exams (funny test answers book)

Hi, this is some pretty funny test answers from a book I have called "F in Exams" and remember, this isn't a copy of funny test answers, it is more funny test answers that the maker of funny test answers can use in his own column. These are the exact questions and answers from this book, I didn't edit them at all. Now, to the test answers!

1.(Chemistry) Q. what is a nitrate? A. It is much cheaper than a day rate
2.(Chemistry) Q. Give a brief explanation of the meaning of the term "hard water." A. Ice
3. (Chemistry) Q. What is the meaning of the term "activation energy"? A. It's what needed to get up in the morning
4.(Chemistry) Q. What is the difference between a hydrocarbon (such as ethane) and an alcohol (such as ethanol)? A. Hydrocarbon doesn't cause car crashes
5. (Biology) Q. Adam cuts his arm. Blood gushes out and is red in color. What does this show? A. He is not a robot, he's a real boy!
6. (Biology) Q. How is oxygen loaded, transported, and unloaded in the bloodstream? A. Using a forklift
7. (Physics) Q. Steve is driving his car. He is traveling at 60 feet per second and the speed limit is 40 mph. Is Steve speeding? A. He could find out  by checking his speedometer.
8. (Physics) Q. Is the moon or the sun more important? A. The moon gives us light in the night when we need it. The sun only provides light in the day when we don't. Therefore the moon is more important.
9. (Physics) Q. Many people don't like eating radiation-treated food. How could a food scientist prove that radiation-treated food is safe? A. By eating some!
10. (Business and Tech) Q. Hugo king is a engineer. He is a sole trader. Explain the business term "sole trader." A. It means he has sold his sole to the devil!

So, there is a couple pretty funny answers I found in my book and I hope you enjoyed it!

                              -Detox Pig :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Funny Test Answers

In funny test answers, we'll see what "x" has written on various tests. Or, in other words, we'll see x give funny answers to the test questions. The test!

Q: Where do most Cubans come from?
A: Cuba

Q: In your own words, describe the five milestones of Christianity.
A: dbhsd hst sth srth sh ar.

Q: What is the capital of California?
A: C

Q: One wump is 4 inches wide. Bob put the wump in a copy machine. It came out 7.5 inches wide. What percent is the larger wump to the smaller wump?

A: I don't approve of stuffing innocent wumps into copy machines. I refuse to answer this question.

Q: Name one phase of matter.
A: Matter. Duh!

Q: Analyze the different parts of the word "antidisestablishmentarianism."
A: When I get answers wrong, it is the teacher's fault.

Q: 4.75 X n = 15 What is the value of n?
A: Are you insane? n is not a number.

Q: What is one way you can find the volume of a substance?
A: Just twist the knob to "max."

Q: What is it called when matter changes from solid to gas?
A: Sublimation. As you can see, I studied this useless fact to get a good grade on the test. I will now completely forget the answer. Thanks for nothing.

Q: Writing prompt: What was the best day of your life?
A: Well, I know it's not today.

Something of the week

This month’s category: the elements

Today’s something: (*sparkle*) Gold! (*sparkle*) ("Au" on the periodic table)

This element is one of the most popular/well-known metal in the world. It is easy to bend (compared to other metals) but is virtually indestructible. Gold is yellow (if you haven’t noticed). It doesn’t do much in a solid state under standard conditions. Yes, I’m afraid it does not explode or any other awesome stuff like that. :P

There is a facility that takes microscopic pieces of gold and extracts it from dirt. It's a slow process, but it most certainly pays off.

Most of the gold in Earth is believed to be closer to the core, due to its heavy weight. It is guessed that it sank further down when our planet was younger.

Gold was first discovered BEFORE 6000 B.C.E..

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hi! :D

HELLO!! :D!!!!! I am Detox Pig, the guy who does hate mail and helps out with RAUC talk opinion column that will be coming soon!!! Check both hate mail and opinion out when they come out!!! Also leave a constructive comment on both hate mail and opinion!!! I am ending my sentences with 3 exclamation points on purpose!!! I hope you enjoy and remember to check out RAUC talk as much as possible because it is the BEST!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              -Detox Pig :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hey! My name's Jessica and I'm your typical artist/blogger

I'm really looking forward to blog, and a thank you to all the students, teachers, and parents taking their time to read all our post.

Thanks again (:

-Jessica T.

Hate Mail (episode 1)

Hello, this is HATE MAIL!!!!!!!!!!
In hate mail, I will be posting hate mail (that I made up with 2 other friends)
and you will (if you want to) read it and might laugh. I will have 10 hate mail per post. If you do laugh, good for you. If you don't, go somewhere else on this blog. Before I start, please don't actually comment swears or anything that might offend me or my friends. I know that some are kind of hate-full but don't comment if you don't have something constructive to say(like your own fake hate mail)! The hate mail purposely has bad spelling and grammar. Alright, let's get started with the hate!

1.yo u peice of crap you have no talent justin beiber 4 life 
2.your blog makes me want to watch more ponies
3.when i read this i died. thanks alot
4.dood i have my own blog and i do the same thing and im better than you. U MAD BRO? U JELLY?
5.i hope you survive 2012 then KILL YOURSELF
6.yo foshizzle dorizzle bogrizzlezizzle quizzle uizzle iizzle DAWG TIS STINKS (._.)
7.this blog makes me want to eat school lunch, in fact i just ate someefbwusbiaogioau (at this point is is thought that the author died at the keyboard)
8.did this blog just kill my bro? OMG I OWE YOU, HE WAS SUPER ANNOYING! NOT REALLY, I AM COMING TO GET YOU!     (!_!) <- clown face
9.your blog sucks GET ME SOME HOT POCKETS!!!!!

So that is the 1st episode of hate mail, hope you enjoy!
                              -Detox Pig :)

Hiya everybody that is reading this AMAZINGLY AWESOME BLOG, my name's Sonam. I am a 7th grader and I can't wait for you all to check out the blog! So check it out!

annie rose

Annierose, Jessica, and Sonam
best people ever


Hi, my name is Priya. I am an eighth grader and I can't wait to be posting on this blog!

Intro to Albert Howard

Hello, fellow RAUC students, parents, and whoever might be reading the blog. JEFF DA EDITOR!!! and I will be starting with a comic called Albert Howard, about a smart kid who is also smart-alecky. I hope everyone likes it!


Hola I am Tia. I love Instagram.and face book