Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Funny Test Answers

In funny test answers, we'll see what "x" has written on various tests. Or, in other words, we'll see x give funny answers to the test questions. The test begins...now!

Q: Where do most Cubans come from?
A: Cuba

Q: In your own words, describe the five milestones of Christianity.
A: dbhsd hst sth srth sh ar.

Q: What is the capital of California?
A: C

Q: One wump is 4 inches wide. Bob put the wump in a copy machine. It came out 7.5 inches wide. What percent is the larger wump to the smaller wump?

A: I don't approve of stuffing innocent wumps into copy machines. I refuse to answer this question.

Q: Name one phase of matter.
A: Matter. Duh!

Q: Analyze the different parts of the word "antidisestablishmentarianism."
A: When I get answers wrong, it is the teacher's fault.

Q: 4.75 X n = 15 What is the value of n?
A: Are you insane? n is not a number.

Q: What is one way you can find the volume of a substance?
A: Just twist the knob to "max."

Q: What is it called when matter changes from solid to gas?
A: Sublimation. As you can see, I studied this useless fact to get a good grade on the test. I will now completely forget the answer. Thanks for nothing.

Q: Writing prompt: What was the best day of your life?
A: Well, I know it's not today.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have an entire book of funny answers to questions kind of like these, I could give it to you if you want.
