Saturday, June 8, 2013

Until next year...

And so, we come to the end of a long year of blogging. As the RAUC Talk Blog Club comes to an end, it's kind of amazing to think about how far we came. That first day, we had no name, no permission to use Blogger, and no idea what we were doing. On the last day, 14 bloggers showed up and generated 15 pieces in a day, each reflecting the writer's unique personality. Trimester by trimester, we built ourselves up from middle schoolers in an after-school club to full-fledged bloggers with things to tell the world.

With no eighth graders in the club by year's end, there could be a lot of repeat business next year. So rest up, get ready for goldfish crackers and whatever the mood strikes you to write about. Here's to a great year of blogging, with many more hopefully yet to come!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer is ALMOST here!

Summer is almost here! What are you doing in Summer?
I'm going to California (LA) for a week or 2..
Then to summer camp
And then to Virginia Beach.
Fun right?
I guess so -

Schools almost over, no more test - quizzes, projects, homework!
Though it's sad seeing everyone leave.

But I'm going to be back in Blog, though I'm going to be an 8th grader,
Goodbye for now!

Final Post?!

It seems unreal that this is the final post. Written by me. For this year. Okay, not as intense as it seemed before, but still...

It's been a great year for blogging. I had a bit of a hiatus between the first and third trimesters of the year, but I was consistent for the other 2/3 of the year. Working on RAUC Talk has been a great experience, due to both Mr. Tobin being a great teacher and the fact that I discovered how fun and addictive blogging can be. Working here even inspired me to create my own blog, Miles on the MBTA (which I recommend you read because, in my totally non-biased opinion, is absolutely amazing). This blog also allowed me to continue the Albert Howard series, which is a great comic in my (again, non-biased) opinion. I originally came up with the Albert Howard character when doing an ELA project where we had to create a comic using three vocabulary words. I created Albert Howard (the name sounded "smart") as a person to annoy "Li'l Charlie" with big words. We had to circle the vocab words and underline a specific type of sentence. The original comic is below:

I suppose I have to finish Albert Howard's sleepover with that nameless kid he always hangs out with. Maybe next year. But to close off, here's a new comic to round things off:

Last post of the year.

This is my last post of the year. This is how I feel right now.

Well, blog club has been fun, and I wish there were more Tuesdays in a school year. But sadly, there aren't. I'll just have to deal with it, and do blog again next year. I'd like to thank everyone that looked at all of my posts, and looking at the blog as well. Thanks to everyone including CrossbowPig, JEFF DA EDITOR!!!, and Miles T. for the funny comics, help with Hate mail, and other posts. Eye of the Tiger by Survivor will be played one last time, and Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce is playing as I write this. I can't really say much, besides blog was A LOT of fun, and it was a really good year for me. Mr. Tobin is a AWESOME ELA teacher, and he is the perfect person for this job. I am definetly coming back next year, and I hope that it will be just as awesome, if not, better! I hope you guys have a good summer, and have fun!

                               -Detox Pig

I do not own this picture, I give full credit to whoever took it, and/or owns it. Good picture too!
Please don't sue me. ._.

Bloggggg :)

Blog was just an amazing experience for me. You can really do anything. Well, not quite anything, anything. But its super fun! You can survey people, and write what you want to write. Be creative! it´s really about getting your feelings out on paper without no limits. I realized that writing is not about telling some long story, it can really connect for what you want to write about and your free to say what you want to say. It´s fun and I am really glad I join and you will be too. Blog is the most amazing writing after school  club ever. Plus, Mr.Tobin is naturally A-W-E-S-O-M-E. He´s really cool and he gives you goldfish. It´s really fun for me, and I´m pretty sure you´ll like it too!!!! :) <3 /                                                                                                

By: Elizabeth Jean - Louis <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
At the beginning of school I felt like the freshman then next I felt like a sophomore then at the middle of the year I felt like the junior  now leaving i'm feeling like a senior 

 bye my favorite teacher of the year MR TOBIN (no offense all of the other ones)

if only real dogs did this

Puppies will never do this on their own, sadly
Yeah blog readers its the end of the year and sadly blog will end for the summer for a while. But don't worry because on June 21st the Rauc kids will be having a party at the Haskle park ( across the street from the peabody school field ) on the last day of school.


I LOVE BLOG!!!!!!! I have learned many things like what my teachers like and more! I learned that by doing interviews and asking Qs. I LOVE BLOGGING!! BLOG BLOG BLOGGGGGGG!! To bad I can't blog anymore! Because it's the last day of blog!


6th grade overview

6th grade at RAUC
I think 6th grade at RAUC was fun, and a lot of different trends went around, some of those trends were mustaches, narwhals, top hats, monocles, rainbows, and many more. I think that if these trends hadn't gone around, the people, the atmosphere, and the whole attitude of all the 6th graders would be different. This whole year would definitely be very boring without all of these things. Below left is a combination of a lot of the trends. In some ways, 6th grade could be a bit better though. Another part of 6th grade was February break when I went to Costa Rica, I went to the rain forest and a very remote peninsula off of Costa Rica. I saw so many animals and lots of different types of plants. I also caught up on my Spanish. Below right is a picture of some Scarlet Macaws, I saw so many of these, their colors are super awesome. So Yeah...-Firegirl201

"It's been fun...."

 The end of the school year is almost upon us. This is the final post-load of the blog. Shame, too, because next week's trip to George's Island would be quite the scoop. Through the fire and the flames by Dragonforce has been an occasional play on Mr. Tobin's Rhapsody player, and soon it is going to play for the last time of the year. Slowly, lesson plans and textbooks reach their end, and things start to become more fun-oriented, such as field day, and the aforementioned George's Island trip. (Yes it is most definitely haunted, I've shaken hands with the ghost, lol jk yolo, and all that nonsense) Whatever you do over the summer, be it camping or traveling, the summer is time off for most. This year I've written opinions mostly, and one or two polls. But I am guaranteed to come back next year for another round of blogging awesome-ness, and you can bet that I will be there the next year too.
  Believe it or not, I never really liked summer. I mean, Fall has the colored leaves, Winter has the Snow, and Spring has stuff sprouting, but Summer... well, it doesn't have a "gimmick", per say. It's just hot. Sticky, and dry, and hot. Sometimes it rains, but that just makes it worse because it gets HUMID! :( Anyway, as the clock counts down to the end, I think of all the 2 whole posts I could've done before the end of school: 11 (haha) reasons why you should watch Doctor Who , and THE MOST TERRIBLE THING EVER!!!!! . ( if you wonder what that is, come back next October) But, alas, this year's blog session has come to an end.

So, there you have it. It's been fun, but I gotta fly. Peace-CrossbowPig

(The TARDIS does not belong to me, it belongs to the British Broadcasting Corporation. They won the Police box design in a copyright battle. Awesome.)
Vrowp! Vrowp! Vrowp!(TARDIS sound)



The school year is almost over. Time for summer to begin. If you're a boy you should really look into signing up for Tohkomeupog. It is the best overnight camp in the world. And if you're a girl you can go to the sister camp Waukeela. The second best camp in the world.

Next Year!

The year is almost over! But the good news is, I now have proof that unicorns exist!!
I can't believe it and I'm going to miss all the 8th graders. Next year we are going to have a new set of 8th graders, and I'm going to be a part of them. We will also have a new group of 6th graders to bring into R.A.U.C. 
Hopefully next year will be even better, with even more people to add to the Blog. Sadly, this is the last day of blog, till next year! I don't want to end blog yet. I'm going to miss everyone.

But don't be said because I'll be sure to be back next year!


The Great Thing About Life is That, No Matter What Happens There Will Always Be...


They may look fat and gray...

And they're REALLY cute

I just wanted to cheer you up, because you know... THIS IS MY LAST POST...
But  remember there will always be MANATEES!

bye bye blog

today is the sadly the last day of blog  i know blog is like the candy store you never wanted to leave you just wanted to stay there and buy everything but you cant stay here and you cant buy anything because there is nothing to buy besides school lunch so i am done blogging so bye!!!

don't be sad, get glad!!!! Take it from Spongebob

Whenever you are sad, remember these words!!!!!!!!!!!!