Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Final Post?!

It seems unreal that this is the final post. Written by me. For this year. Okay, not as intense as it seemed before, but still...

It's been a great year for blogging. I had a bit of a hiatus between the first and third trimesters of the year, but I was consistent for the other 2/3 of the year. Working on RAUC Talk has been a great experience, due to both Mr. Tobin being a great teacher and the fact that I discovered how fun and addictive blogging can be. Working here even inspired me to create my own blog, Miles on the MBTA (which I recommend you read because, in my totally non-biased opinion, is absolutely amazing). This blog also allowed me to continue the Albert Howard series, which is a great comic in my (again, non-biased) opinion. I originally came up with the Albert Howard character when doing an ELA project where we had to create a comic using three vocabulary words. I created Albert Howard (the name sounded "smart") as a person to annoy "Li'l Charlie" with big words. We had to circle the vocab words and underline a specific type of sentence. The original comic is below:

I suppose I have to finish Albert Howard's sleepover with that nameless kid he always hangs out with. Maybe next year. But to close off, here's a new comic to round things off:

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