Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Flash Game Reviews: Cookie Clicker

Well, it's not exactly a game, per se, but the definition for "game" is pretty loose these days. When you start up Cookie Clicker, there isn't much to see. There is a message saying, "You feel like making cookies. But nobody wants to eat your cookies" in the middle of the screen, and to the left there is also a large cookie. If you click it, you get one cookie. Start spamming the mouse, and the number of cookies you have slowly goes up.

Upon getting 15 cookies, an option in the "Store" pops up: a cursor. You can buy it for 15 cookies, and below your cookie count, it says the amount you're getting per second. With one cursor, you get 0.1 cookies per second, or one cookie per 10 seconds. Keep on clicking, and you can buy more cursors, earning you more cookies per second. When you get to 100 cookies, the next option, "Grandma," comes up. Grandmas will, of course, get you more cookies per second, a larger amount than what a cursor will give you. As you get more cookies, more "buildings," as the game calls them, become available. Currently the best one is "Prism," which costs 50 billion cookies at the start and gives you 10 million cookies per second.

This will obviously take you a while to be able to obtain, but one way to get more cookies per second is upgrades. They basically increase the number of cookies per second for buildings you have, either doubling the amount produced or increasing it by a certain amount of cookies. Of course, this does eventually lead to the grandmapocalypse (when the grandmatriarch gets angered and wrinklers start showing up - don't ask), but you can stop that for only 66,666,666,666,665 cookies. Yeah, you can get a lot of cookies in this game.

This person's got a fair amount of cookies.


Blocked by Barracuda? No

Pros: There is an immense satisfaction from getting a lot of cookies. Once you've gotten far enough, it's a good idea to leave it running while you do other things so as to get...a lot of cookies.

Cons: Even at the beginning, you never really "play" Cookie Clicker. It's more of a fun little distraction that runs in your browser.

Final Verdict: 5/10


  1. Miles, great post, but now that you mentioned that it isn't blocked, they are probably going to block it. No hate or anything, but maybe you should be more careful when it comes to talking about things not blocked.

    1. Just forgot I did a post about an unblocked game too. I'm such a hypocrite. Well at least I didn't put a name or link in my post *phew*.
