Tuesday, February 4, 2014


It’s the end of the world, everyone! Happy death day! As you know, we are burning a heck ton of carbon dioxide into the air. This causes the ice to melt off the northern and southern portions of the globe. This is so much that even to think about getting back to where we were in 17th and 18th century, we’ll have to cut off our carbon emissions by 70 percent by 2050. If we don’t, by 2100, the world’s sea level will rise by one foot. This may not seem like a lot, but this means most coastal cities would be flooded. New York City, gone. Boston, sunk. Southern Florida, western California, the strip of land connecting the Americas, the land around the Mediterranean, coastal Indonesia, Bangladesh, and a lot of South Korea would all be under water.

Along with this, we are gonna run out of oil sometime in our lifetime. Not many people know this, and will create riots all over the world. And what will we turn to? Electricity. The sudden demand for electricity will come out of nowhere. But we’ll have to get that electricity from somewhere. Solar panels and wind mills will take too much time and money to make very quickly. So what’s the other option? Coal. And guess what burning coal does? More carbon dioxide in the air.

The earth heating up also causes warmer oceans and therefore radical weather patterns. Already, more deadly world disasters are occurring. The tornadoes that destroyed the midwest. Typhoon Haiyan, a typhoon that went off the scale used to measure the strength of these storms. And as the world’s climate grows even more, the disasters will become world.

So basically the world is screwed. Humanity has fought wars a lot. In all of them so far, we have fought against ourselves. In all of them, someone has emerged victorious. Now we face the most dangerous enemy we’ve seen. The Earth. Will we emerge victorious?

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