Wednesday, February 25, 2015

CrossbowPig Reviews Issue #3: Exit Path

A typical obstacle course in the flash game Exit Path, by jmtb02 and Armor Games.
Welcome to CrossbowPig's reviews, issue #3. Today, we'll be reviewing the original flash game Exit Path, a masterpiece in every single sense of the word. A simple story conveyed through sound and minimalistic graphics nearly unparelleled by other flash games, an interesting gameplay mechanic that makes for momentum and speed based gameplay, and many more features make this stand out from other flash games. With that said, let's get into the review.

Graphics: The minimalist graphics of Exit Path complement the dystopian nature of the story, with entire levels being cast from only several shades of color and a whole lot of lines. For a flash game, the graphics themselves might not be too interesting, but they have a certain aesthetic that it totally makes sense. 8/10

Gameplay: Simple gameplay here, really. Just get through the obstacle courses as fast as possible, collecting new customization options for your Runner along the way. This also features a multiplayer mode, which can be played either Locally or Online. Despite its simplicity, this game manages to be very, very addictive. 9/10

Sound: Simple EDM tunes that seem to be straight off Newgrounds highlight this game's soundtrack, lending an urgent feeling to the game. Exit feels a bit more like Escape with these sounds. 7/10.

Difficulty: Even though this game is easy to learn, it manages to also be pretty hard to master. Nailing the Boost mechanic and carrying yourself through each obstacle course can get frustratingly difficult, and although I haven't tried multiplayer, I can only assume that it is even more difficult due to its competitive nature. This game gets a rating of Difficult.

Verdict: With all of these scores tallied up, and the factor of my own personal enjoyment added in, I calculated the score through an extremely complicated process and gave it the score of a 
9 - Great
Play this game and beat it if you can, no matter how frustated you get. I heard it got a sequel, so check that out if you can. You won't regret it.

Next Review: Bullet Bill
This is CrossbowPig, signing out.

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