Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why MCAS is actually awesome.

Let's talk about MCAS, the annual state-wide test that all students in Massachusetts must take. Some people despise it, some people like it (not very many, but including me), and some people are indifferent. Hopefully I can convince you to like MCAS, here are some reasons why MCAS is actually awesome!

1. MCAS is very easy (for me at least, this may change for other people). MCAS does not require genius status, just some intelligence of some kind, which i'm sure everybody has.

2. There is no homework. If the teachers assigned homework on MCAS day, or the day before, something is wrong, complain and try to convince your teacher that sleeping and preparing is more important than homework.

3. You get gum, lots of free time, and sleep! Once you are done, you can do what you want, as long as you don't disturb the people still taking the test. If everyone is done, your teacher could take you outside, where you can play.

I hope you have been convinced that MCAS is actually awesome, and thanks for reading!

                                                                -Detox Pig

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I completely agree! I almost look forward to MCAS because it's actually better than regular school days!
