Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Thoughts On State Tests

So today our grade had the math state test o-o

Here's some of my opinions on the state testing system c:

So we all know that the state test comes once a year (for each subject). And people make kind of a HUGE deal out of it. I don't know about you, but these tests bring a lot of stress, and worry to me. I've always thought that the reason people don't do as well as they could on the state test is because of all the stress. We all worry about testing in some way, it's more extreme for some than others. I personally hate the state tests. They scare me, because they're so big and "important" to teachers. I think that it would be a lot less stressful for students if we just did various smaller tests across the school year, instead of one giant one. Having one giant uber-important test once every school year makes it harder for students to score well. For example, maybe on those two days you weren't feeling too well, and then oops you failed the test and you get held back. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Say if you had a bunch of smaller, less important tests throughout the year, and averaged out the results, I think it would be a much more efficient and accurate way to test. And, as a side note, today is last day of blog club for the year :c But I really did like blog club, I'll definitely join next year c:

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