Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I have allergies, and that means I can't eat 3/4 of the candy I get. It also means I can't go near people for a couple days after Halloween if they eat anything with nuts or peanuts, which is more than half of all candy ever. It also annoys me that half of all houses I go to give out things made with or processed with peanuts, so I can't eat them. When all of my friends go out on Halloween to get sugar high, I go out to dress up as something crazy or creative, like a cardboard box, or a gangster with a huge beard.
My point is that I don't get excited for Halloween for the candy, but for dressing up, and having fun with my friends. In the end, I give away all of the candy I can't eat, but it's still annoying that I get around 5-10 pieces that I can eat. This Halloween is the only one where I went to a house and the person asked if me and my friend (he's also allergic to peanuts) could eat peanuts. When we said no, she grabbed a bowl of candy that we could eat. It was really nice, and like I said before, that was the only time that happened.

Well, that was my opinion of Halloween, I hope you enjoyed, bye.


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