Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yolo McSwaggins and the Dope Raps of the Swagailicious Titan King

(the second entry in the swaggy-dope series, "The Adventures of Yolo McSwaggins." guest written by CrossbowPig)

McSwaggins re-exploded back into a street in Chicago, the dopest city in the North East Americas. "Where the Frizzle-Wizzle are my Homies at?" He proclaimed. He noticed that his dope hat was gone. Then he remembered what had gone down back in the Dark Alley. He recalled the dope Titan emerging from the Hat.
 "I gotta get my Swaggy Dope Hat back!" He announced. A woman down the street leading her child to the toy store noticed him, and covered her child's eyes. Yolo McSwaggins did a radical break-dance, and teleported back to the alleyway. He saw the Dope Titan free-styling a rap with some of his Dope Titan friends. "Yo Foo! Stop right there!" Yolo ordered. "Whuh?" The Dope Hat wearing Titan asked, slipping on his converse sneakers.
 "Oh, you the foo I stole mah Swag hat off of." He remarked, walking over to Yolo McSwaggins. "Yea, and ah wan' mah SWAG back!" He said. "Then you hav to duel me in a RAP BATTLE, for ah am da SWAGAiLICIOUS TITAN KING!!" He shouted, and his Titan homies cheered.


The Swagailicious Titan lay in ash on the ground. Yolo picked up his Dope Hat. "Any otha Foos gonna challenge me?" Yolo McSwaggins asked. All the Dope Titans turned and ran, leaving a ton of Swag on the ground, including a Bling Ring, Golden Chains, and Really Big Jeans. "YOLO SWAG!!!" Yolo cheered, and took a taxi back to his apartment.

              THA SWAGGY END, YO!

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