Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Skiing is the best thing to do in the winter. There are no sharks in the snow. It is just snow and more snow. In the world, there is a place called USA. In the USA, there are 50 states. In those 50 states, there is a place called New Hampshire at the north of the USA. In New Hampshire, there is a town called Newbury. In Newbury, there is an address for something and the address is 1398 Route 103, Newbury, NH, 03255. That address is for a ski mountain called Mt. Sunapee. At Mt. Sunapee, they have a big mountain that you could ski on. On the mountain, they have green circles, blue squares, black diamonds, and double black diamonds. Those symbols are for skiing not to play with. Green means easy, blue means a little difficult, black diamonds means most difficult, and double black is ski with a buddy and take precaution, and triple black means ski with three buddies and don't get off track/and take precaution x2. I ski the circles to the black diamond. Not the double black, black diamonds but I will soon but neveer the triple black diamonds. The best trails at the mountain is Upper blast-off, Lower blast-off, Chipmunk, Ridge, Upper Winding to Lower Winding, Kartwheel, Bonanza, Westside, and the South Peak. The trails I want to ski is Goosebumps, Lynx, and Upper Cataract.
Here is a map of the ski mountain...  

1 comment:

  1. That's nice to know there's no sharks in the snow!!! LOL :)
