Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Poetry is hard.

Poetry is hard! I never liked poetry that much. Most pieces of poetry that are supposed to be really really good are titled one thing, then the poem has NOTHING to do with the poem, for example

                 The majestic bird by Lizardsnicksnape

     Look! I spot a Burger King in the distance. I skip towards it craving a burger. Then I fall. The I cry. Then I call Barney and ask him for a muffin. THE END.

That poem didn't even mention the word, "bird" or "majestic." Although some do actually have something to do with the title:

                                   The road not taken by Robert Frost

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;        5
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,        10
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.        15
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.        20

I thought this poem was pretty normal, and it is one of the only poems I like. So then I tried... Oh my goodness, the poem turned out terrible:

                      Crepes by Lizardsnicksnape

Crepes are yum
You can put Nutella in "thum"
Or anything else you find yum
Crepes are yum. Crepes are "fum"[fun]

So, after that, I concluded that poetry is hard and I cannot do it

                                          I don't why I put this here but I laugh every time I see it. :) 

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