Wednesday, January 14, 2015

chockalacka pingpon wongtong

So I have an explanation for the title. My fellow friend Cin took my computer and was like " Hey everywaun, can I see your computer?" So yeah....

Tex is currently not paying attention to the social world, and is in her own world being very antisocial.
What's even sadder is that shes reading Drama. Drama is a comic book, nothing exciting. Drama.
Now she's laughing at it.
So my beanie is currently making me look like a hipster garden gnome but that's okay because I'm listening to stupid music on vimeo (cough cough Crown The Empire they're so stoop) so like yeah I like turtles and a dude but mostly turtles and my child is the most angelic thing ever. - Cingerbread

I realized I have never written about a serious topic. So let's try.
Have you ever had deep thoughts about turtles being stuck on their back? The more you think about it, the more and more depressing it gets.  R.I.P ALL TURTLES WHO ARE CURRENTLY ON THEIR BACK IN PAIN WISHING THEY COULD GET UP.

That's all for now because I have a lot of homework...

Until next week, stay tre cool.

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