Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A review of Box Head 2 player Co-op (with help from PLASMATACO)

(Sorry for the bad quality)
Box Head Co-op, a 2D shooter game where you (and your friend) have to fight to survive the zombie horde. The game includes many guns and upgrades for them. For example, after getting a certain zombie kill combo, you can get the rocket launcher. A little bit higher after that, you can unlock double and quadruple ammo. Eventually you can unlock the quad explosion, which absolutely demolishes everything in your path, making it the most overpowered weapon in the game, and frankly, it's too overpowered, it makes the game really easy, and kind of boring. Except one thing.


Devils are the game's mini bosses, which first come at around the 5th wave. They shoot fireballs from a medium distance, so you can dodge them, but it is hard to shoot back without getting hit or ducking behind cover. The devils add a new challenge to the game that really makes things interesting. If you get to the higher waves, sometimes devils come at you in groups of three, four, and sometimes even five. Destroying these foes at the same time as destroying zombies makes the game very fun. But sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, if devils get multiple shots off, they keep you in a state of getting hit, where you can't move, and they fire rapidly enough for you to die in seconds. This can get extremely annoying, as when you die, you lose all of your items.

All earned weapons come with limited ammo, and when you pick up an orange box, it gives you a random weapon, refills your ammo on one weapon, or gives you extra hit points. As I said before, every time you die, you lose ALL of your stuff, but not your upgrades (thankfully).

Box Head Co-op isn't blocked by Barracuda, so have fun!

The game has some flaws and good parts, but overall, our score (average between the two of us) is a 7.5

Thanks for reading, see you next time!

                             -Detox Pig and PLASMATACO

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