Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Creepypasta Reviews - Happy Appy

This is a creepypasta about a old claymation show that used to be on Nickelodeon back in 1999. It was the stupidly named, "Happy Appy". It also had a very bad and dumbly written theme song. (You won't mind me not telling you about it). It was a show that supposedly aired for only one month before it was taken down due to a high amount of blood/ gore/ offensiveness/ creepyness/ general awfulness. Some people recorded tapes of it, but then burned them for some reason. One person kept the tapes, though. And apparently that person wrote this creepypasta.

Anyway, let's get into the individual episodes.

Episode 1:
"Appy goes on Vacation". In this episode, Happy Appy goes on vacation. Yeah, that's how popular the show was. It's only the 1st episode and the main character already gets a vacation.
So, he goes around the beach helping people. And... that's it. NEXT.

Episode 2:
"Hurt Happy". In this episode, the guy gets hurt himself. And then the kids give him band- aids and started to stuff his face with fruit. The weird part was at one point a kid fed him an apple. Cannibalism for the win. NEXT.

Episode 3:
He preforms the death- stare for about 30 seconds before a news broadcast came on and said that a tsunami had hit Japan. Then Happy said "Oh no! If you want to help the Japanese, call this number!" Then a 1-800 number was listed. Yes, he was trying to tell the U.S. government to help Japan. Him. An apple. NEXT.

Episode 4:
In this episode there was a "Booboo scene". It involved some kid getting a bruise. He turned to the camera and said," What does Nate need for this booboo? He then death- stared at the camera for about 30 seconds, and then said,"That's it! a band- aid!" And... that's about it. NEXT.

Episode 5:
In this episode, he did his trademark death stare for a long time. Then, he 'helped' two kids, one of which he dragged behind a bush. Blood is seen from behind the bush, and screams were heard. The second kid waits for Happy, and then Happy is seen emerging from the back of her. Then it skips frames, and the next thing that happened was a blood trail leading to another bush appeared, and Happy appeared doing the death stare. NEXT.

Episode 6:
For half this episode, Happy does the death- stare. The other half was just static. So they had to take just one picture. Hooray claymation. NEXT.

Episode 7:
This episode, like episode 8, was never aired. But apparently the creepypasta author knows about it anyway. In this episode, he murders some kid in a van. And, that's about it. NEXT.

Episode 8:
9/11 happened. Some kid asked him, "What are the towers doing?" Then, it cut to a kid trapped under a plane piece, crying for help. Then, Appy turned to the camera, and said, "That's natural, children." Yeah, like getting crushed under a huge hunk of metal is natural.

By now, I just got bored of reading this creepypasta. The thing is so long, it's practically a creepy- novel. I'm going to try to make these reviews short, so i'm going to end it here. Bye!

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